Learning through doing, groups large and small

ATC continues to explore opportunities to bring applied theatre professionals to Greenville for advanced training. In the meantime, between these formal workshops, we welcome visitors to our groups to experience our work and our director is available to lead workshops for your organization wherever it might be.

  • Forum Theatre for Marginalized Communities (February 15-17, 2019): led by Carli Gaughf, with a forum performance at Triune Mercy Center on the 17. Theater of the Oppressed is a tool for social change. Originally created in South America with peasant and worker populations to “rehearse for the revolution”, it is now used all over the world to develop tools for exploring collective struggles and resolving conflict. In this two-day workshop, participants will be introduced to the purpose and methods of T.O., with a focus on the forms of Image Theatre and Forum Theatre.
  • Masks in therapy (May 31 – June 1, 2019) : Led by Doug Berky and Dale Savidge, with demonstration of masks in therapy at the Juvenile Detention Facility. Theatrical Masks in Therapy is a collaborative workshop between Dale Savidge, drama therapist and Doug Berky, physical theatre artist. In this training participants will experience the power of the mask to simultaneously conceal and reveal identity in the therapeutic setting. Both theory and practice are included and the group will spend time at the Greenville County Juvenile Detention Facility in a workshop using masks with juvenile inmates.
  • The Hero’s Journey in Drama Therapy (July 12, 2019): Robert Landy will present his model of The Hero’s Journey leading the group through a process of story making and dramatization. The process involves work with four roles of Hero, Destination, Obstacle and Guide. The group will discuss ways to work with various clinical populations through The Hero’s Journey. Applicable to therapists and counselors who want to integrate role theory and role play into their work.
  • Applied Theatre and Spiritual Formation

  • Applied Theatre and Spirituality (Ongoing, available as requested): A dynamic, interactive weekend of theatre and spirituality. Participants journied into a deeper relationship with God personally and in community through applied theatre techniques. Led by Dr. Dale Savidge, ATC Executive Director. Download workshop flyer. (PDF)